Frequently asked questions

Should you have any questions? We have the answers!

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How can I receive my order?

We have provided you with different pick up methods so that you can always choose what's best for you.

    • Home/Work: you can receive, via courier, at an address of your choice (home, workplace, etc.). Your order will be delivered by the appropriate courier, depending on your region, to the stated address.
    • Offices of Geniki Taxidromiki: if there is one of the 250+ General Post locations near you, you can choose to pick up your order directly from there.
    • BoxNow:your order will arrive at the Locker you choose and you will receive an SMS on your mobile phone with the 6-digit code that opens the parcel locker. You have 48 hours from when you receive the informative sms to receive your parcel, 24 hours a day. Just type the code you received into the Locker and the locker door opens automatically.
    • Cosmos Sport store network: you can pick up your order free of charge from our network of stores, all over Greece. Pick-up can be done during the store's opening hours, from the cashier.
Shipped Directly by adidas
adidas Returns
Once the order is placed, the item cannot be cancelled. adidas usually ships within 2 days. Note; this item is excluded from promotions/coupons/gift cards.
All adidas returns are free of charge. Returns can be made within 60 days. adidas orders are accompanied by a return form with detailed instructions.