Frequently asked questions

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How can I place my order online?

You can find what you are looking for easily and in many ways! Discover products through our categories, write the product you are looking for in the "Search" box or click the photo icon to find the product from an image you have found on the internet.

  1. Choose the correct size for each product, click on it and then click the "Add to Cart" button. After all the products you have chosen have been added to your cart, click on its icon in the upper right part of the page to proceed with the entry. The steps you will need to follow as soon as you click on the Cart are as follows:
  2. Step 1. Choose a delivery method
  3. Step 2. Fill in your details as well as the address or pick-up point you want
  4. Step 3. Choose a payment method and fill in the field "Do you have a return or discount coupon?" if you have any of these in your possession.
  5. Step 4. Click on the "COMPLETE WITH SAFETY" button to register your order and check the email you entered to find your order confirmation email.
Shipped Directly by adidas
adidas Returns
Once the order is placed, the item cannot be cancelled. adidas usually ships within 2 days. Note; this item is excluded from promotions/coupons/gift cards.
All adidas returns are free of charge. Returns can be made within 60 days. adidas orders are accompanied by a return form with detailed instructions.